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Tuesday 16 July 2013

Hyponatremia (low serum sodium) is also linked to Low Oestrogen

Thanks for emails etc, I'm fine now.  Haven't posted in while as I had to seize my life back and make up for (plenty of) lost time.  

Before I take the title of this post a little further, I need to wrap up some stuff from a few months ago...

I cured my adrenal fatigue with these things:

Transdermal Magnesium Spray - 5 pumps in the morning and another 5 at night.  I sprayed my joints first, then worked my way to my fat stores, e.g. breasts and abdomen.  I think this stuff is actually helping me to shift 'brown fat' which is a very stubborn store of fat tissue that most diets will not touch.  Initially the oil calmed me down, then it helped me to sleep, then it cured a lot of aches and pains.  I also brush my teeth with it.  

We're all magnesium deficient and I noticed a big change in my nerves after taking this stuff for about a week.  I'm basically not 'nervous' anymore, which is incredible because I've always had that problem.  

The other thing that Magnesium via the skin will do (but not the ingested type) is stop your sugar-cravings - DEAD!  You'll need to read the book on the subject by Dr Mark Sircus (Kindle version good price).  But basically Magnesium has a unique association with Insulin production.  This is why a lack of magnesium in perimenopause and menopause will cause us to become Insulin Resistant.  Any woman you see with the classic humpty-dumpty shape, is, I'm sorry to say, a functioning insulin resistant person.  And furthermore, notice what happens to these little characters when they eat something sweet - you got it, they get all HOT.  A hot flush is an adrenal marathon as a result of your blood becoming too acidic.  To counter this, you will calcium-strip to release stored magnesium and return ph balance.  The end result is, more insulin is needed.  Every time you make insulin, you lay down fat.  Hence you get wider and wider... To find out more you need to read 'The Calcium Lie' by Dr Thompson.  Don't sit around waiting to become diabetic, get your magnesium NOW!     

Sea Salt - first I took Geo Sea Salt from Portugal, its organic and very nice to cook with.  Then I switched to Celtic Sea Salt which is exemplary in its provision of about 80 water-soluble minerals.  I take one teaspoon in total a day, mixed with a glass of water.  Sea Salt water is what I start the day with, its very refreshing.  Drink it quickly and if you can't stand the taste, drink a couple of gulps of water afterwards.  I still cook with Geo Salt.    

Iodine - via Sea Kelp.  First I was taking Holland & Barratt sea kelp which is great but after a while I switched to Solgar's version from the north Atlantic, after reading various recommendations.  This stuff will empty out the lumps in polycystic breast disorder, which you may or may not know, can oftentimes be a precursor to breast cancer.  Breast Cancer takes 7 years to cook.  1 in 8 women will get breast cancer.  I noticed the lumps empty from my boobs, so I was probably on my way to getting sick.  The other thing Iodine does is WAKE UP your thyroid.  My skin and hair were a lot healthier after taking this stuff.  Whats more, I noticed it also stopped my (mild) OCD symptoms - dead!  Its done the same for my husband.  To wake up your thyroid, you also need to take Selenium.  This is another mineral that used to be in farming soil but is now totally depleted.  (I also take Tyrosine, but I need to talk about that a bit more another time because it has a payload.)  I could talk a long time about Iodine, the fact that it used to be in bread and dairy products but now its forgotten, how everyone has fatigue because we are all deficient in this vital mineral.  But there is a book called The Iodine Crisis, by Lynn Farrow in amazon (another Kindle bargain).  It is a real eye-opener.  Lack of Iodine is closely associated (if not the cause) of breast cancer.  There is a Yahoo Iodine group aimed at the low-thyroid worldwide pandemic and recovering cancer patients.  I've joined it.  The link is at the back of this book.  Oh, and one more thing, Iodine improved my hearing.  

Pantothenic Acid - aka Vitamin B5.  This vitamin is found to be really low in adrenal insufficiency cases, so make sure you take this.  I took it along with a whole bunch of B vitamins, as you're meant to take them all together, so that they work synergistically.  They're water soluble and only last 24 hours in your body.  I also take souped-up doses of Riboflavin, Thiamin and Niacin.  They're all great and recommended for low thyroid output.  

Vitamin C - 4000 mgs a day!  That's a lot, but its the amount recommended in What Your Doctor Wont Tell You About Menopause by Dr Lee.  

That's all I want to say about adrenal fatigue, because Thankfully, I'm well and truly over it and now I'm onto much bigger fish.  Next time I'll talk more about how I got my thyroid into great shape, using 3 very cheap supplements.

I'm going to emphasis the next topic in emboldened capitals because you know, we really DO need to wake up to this medical fact about the end of our fertility:


There I said it.  If like me, you think Osteoporosis happens to very few people and it wont happen to you, then think again, because what I'm finding out is that whether its mildly present or chronic, its the reason behind a lot of menopausal symptoms.

Frequent peeing, sugar-cravings, a hunch-back, weak knees and knobbly, withered hands are all signs not so much of getting old and past it, but quite literally of a very damaging process called CALCIUM STRIPPING.

Here is a link to a great extract that really explains what's going on, and how its happening to all menopausal and end stage perimenopausal women:

The role of calcitonin in menopause

You may not realise this, but during menopause, your body thinks its lactating (as the body only recognises 2 states; pregnant and not pregnant, lactating is the in-between) and so you'll produce a lot of prolactin hormone.  This is what causes us to liquify our bones and convert stored magnesium and calcium into a nutritious 'soup' for the 'imaginary' suckling infant.  Sounds really weird doesn't it?  But you have to remember, we are actually animals and pretty primitive when you get down to it.    

So ladies, unless you want a Dowager's Hump, which is clear evidence that your body cannibalised itself to free-up the necessary nutrients for this phase of your life, WATCH OUT!

So I've learnt that we desperately need to protect our own skeletons at this time of crisis, and the best way to do that is by applying MAGNESIUM OIL.  Ingested magnesium will never get you out of a deficient state, because of the role of the liver.  Most will be excreted.  The fact that more enters our skin than we can ever eat, to me points towards a Paleo way of life and how our close association with the sea has literally nourished us in by-gone times..

The amount of bone loss in post-menopausal women is astounding, its something like 4mm a year!  That's all over your body, not just in some, little used bone that you don't really care about.  No wonder we remember granny was tiny in the end!

This time of your life is when the thyroid needs to be functioning really well, not for the sake of T3 or T4 but for the production of a little known hormone called CALCITONIN.  

Situated on your thyroid but behind it (think: convenient place) are what we refer to as 'C cells', which are the important production sites of an essential hormone called CALCITONIN.  Calcitonin features big-time when you're pregnant, because its role is to protect the maternal skeleton during is 'calcium mobilisation'.  At menopause, curiously the same thing happens again, but this time there is no baby!!

After our desperate need at this time to take Magnesium, we also must take WATER SOLUBLE, 100% BIO-AVAILABLE VITAL MINERALS.  This is to avoid getting the precursor of OSTEOPOROSIS, called OSTEOPENIA.  

Osteopenia is bone mineral deficiency, so get the minerals into you!

I've found the best (and cheapest) way to do that is by drinking CELTIC SEA SALT in a glass of water.  There is stacks written about this stuff on the internet, just google it.  

Consuming vital mineral this way works out a heckofalot cheaper than dry old tablets, which are not as bio-available and are largely excreted.  Because ladies, there is no time to waste, your body is in a state of emergency: its calcium stripping your bones.  This is why menopause is so closely associated with Diabetes.  The sugar-cravings are really cravings for food that might contain minerals.

So get your minerals via sea salt, but most importantly, they are 100% bio-available this way!

Notice: I'm NEVER going to tell anyone to take calcium.  We all have far too much calcium, and besides, tank loads of calcium is not going to stop you getting Osteoporosis.

Once you're taking the minerals, your body won't need to cannibalise itself quite so much.  But watch out, because calcium that moves around the body and IS NOT consumed by a suckling infant, WILL ACCUMULATE IN YOUR SOFT TISSUES.  e.g. your breasts and arteries, not to mention your organs and fat tissue.

CALCIFICATION of soft tissue is what causes BREAST CANCER.  Together with a lack of Iodine and Calcium Deposits, your breasts will be a seed-bed for THE BIG 'C'.  

Once you start taking Iodine, the lumps in your breasts that you've regarded up to now as 'just part of getting older' will miraculously start to empty out.  The contents of those lumps are toxins.  For the toxins to leave your body, you need to do 'SALT-LOADING'.  That means taking sea salt (NOT TABLE SALT AS IT IS POISON TO OUR BODIES).  The sea salt will help you to detox in what is known as the sodium-pump, which is the way the body cleans up our blood.

Apart from sea salt, to get the calcium out of your breasts and arteries, and God-knows-where-else, you need to take Vitamin K2.

Google vitamin K2.  It was discovered in 1935 by a famous dentist called Weston A Price, but he didn't have the equipment to really identify it and name it.  So he simply called it The X-Factor.  (Yes, I know, like the TV show.)  

Here is the link to Weston Price Foundation.

Actually that may not be the direct link, but it explains what's happening on the Weston Price website, which is quite an academic resource.  

Vitamin K2 will help your body to move disgusting calcium deposits out of where it should not be, back to where it should be.  There is a good video on YouTube about this.  

When you start taking this stuff, your hair will get thicker.  Thin hair will get full again and your nails will totally change and become very strong and easy to file quickly.  

You will then begin to notice all your previous aches and pains gradually disappear.  Bone spurs will reduce, joints will become supple again.  You will begin to feel a lot stronger.  Especially if you are applying Magnesium Oil and taking Celtic Sea Salt. 

And you know what? after taking K2, Magnesium and Celtic Sea Salt, I'm finally able to dance again!  This means that I can flex my spine easily once more and rock my hips from side to side.  Instead of that stiff humpty-dumpty I was turning into?

The fat will then eventually start to fall off.  Your weight will not reduce immediately, because the calcium is being moved back to your bones.

Once you've done all of that and you start rubbing the Magnesium oil into your stomach and breasts, you will be amazed at how your vital statistics start looking good again.

(Men will actually help you in the supermarket again, instead of letting the door slam in your face because you are invisible to their sex-mad gaze)

On top of all that I take 'Now Solutions Natural Progesterone Cream'.  I apply it twice a day for 20 days, then rest for 4 days.  This stuff keeps my mood even, stops the horrible hot flashes and makes my personality feel normal again. (I must have been low progesterone for years because I was a quintessential bitch.)

I also take a lot of Methyl donors to combat the ageing effects of HOMOCYSTEINE.   But I'll talk more about that next time.

Now onto the subject of this post:


Just before my period is due, I get low blood pressure and all the signs of a migraine cascade.  The migraine is not anything like it used to be, but I still feel pretty strange, with a lot of nausea.  (I take peppermint pills that work really well and apply natural progesterone cream to my forehead.  I don't need to take paracetamol anymore.)    

Well, all this time I thought my Oestrogen dominance was causing these symptoms, but now I find that its actually the sudden onset of extremely LOW OESTROGEN that  is causing my serum sodium levels to drop drastically.  This happens twice a month.  Once at around ovulation time, then again at the end of the month. Here is a great article that explains what on earth is going on:

Effects of Low Oestrogen on Serum Sodium

Turns out that Oestrogen is actually a sodium regulator and it keeps the threshold pretty constant during our reproductive years.  At menopause however, you're left high and dry, especially just before your period and also at 'ovulation' time.  Never mind that you're not doing either anymore, your poor body never really forgets you should be doing it, and so keeps trying...  

The only thing that gets rid of this metabolic nightmare for me are 3 glasses of sea-salty water, spread over 3 hours.  Then I feel totally normal again.  The correction in my metabolic status is quite extraordinary as a result.    

Low Sodium or Hyponatremia is associated with low Oestrogen and its one of the primary causes of BONE THINNING that happens as a result of Osteoporosis!

Yes, you read that right, low sodium leads to bone thinning.  

Here is a link to a great website aimed at professionals that is very educational:

Hyponatremia is a very serious medical condition and it mainly affects women.  (Damn it, it almost killed me!) 

So the advice we're given to have 'low-salt intake' is only half the story.  Of course we should all cut out table salt, but it is simply a biological necessity that WE MUST HAVE ACCESS TO SEA SALT in our diets.

If you read the book 'The Calcium Lie' by Dr Thompson MD, you will see that a low-salt diet is literally causing a time-bomb of medical issues, for men as well as women.  Not least of all, extremely poor levels of gastric juice, which is more of a problem as you get older.

Without enough Hydrochloric Acid (gastric juice), we simply cannot absorb calcium, or very much else actually, hence the atrocious loss of precious amino-acids from our circulation.  

If you read about Osteoporosis in any detail, you see constant references to "menopausal women not being able to absorb calcium through the stomach lining anymore".  Malabsorption is caused by two things; low levels of gastric juice (hydrochloric acid) and low Vitamin D3.

So now I'm also taking VitD3 to complete the 'calcium cycle'.

Why are doctors telling Osteoporotic women (and men) to go home and gorge themselves of their foul chalk-filled calcium tablets, when in fact to ensure the whole 'calcium cycle' runs smoothly you also must have:

  1. Sea Salt
  2. Vitamin K2
  3. Vitamin D3 
  4. Magnesium
  5. Water Soluble Minerals.
The reason I don't mention Calcium itself in this list, is because we are all choked full of calcium, all over our bodies, due to a very basic and fundamental deficiency and that is because the dairy products we eat are produced by animals that do NOT have access to grass anymore, they are given 'feed' instead.    

This means that our vital link to a digestible/fermented form of Chlorophyll is simply not available to us anymore in the food chain.  The feed that they give cows has actually diminished our health no end, because as a result, the calcium we eat chokes our bodies.  Hence our bones and teeth are crap and Osteoporosis is rife in the Western world, even though 'dairy' products are sold to us as 'needed to create strong bones'.  Calcification due to a lack of Vitamin K2 (needs to come from a cow that chews grass) is the biggest shameful nutritional fact I've ever come across.  So many diseases are linked to calcification, e.g. heart disease, cancer, arthritis etc.  Calcification of the Pineal Gland has been recorded in children as young as 2 years old!  Here is a great article on Calcification:

Calcification on curezone 

Fact: "People that live in societies that don't eat dairy foods have stronger bones and no Osteoporosis".  (Source Weston Price Foundation)  

Gotta go!

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