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Monday 8 April 2013

My self-diagnosis was correct: I have Adrenal Fatigue

This is going to be a short post because I'm trying to cope with extremely low levels of energy.

I had an Adrenal Fatigue crisis 2 weeks ago, then last week I had the most abysmal migraine with very unusual presentation (more about that next time).  

First off, I'm really proud that I was able to diagnose my own medical crisis and seek help before I had serious consequences.  

My blood test came back: 'Further exploration is needed for possible Addison's Disease'.  

I told you that if the doctor confirmed it, he would prescribe steroids and the last thing I'm going to do is take steroids.

My blood serum reading was way below the very lowest point on the register of what's 'normal'.  

As soon as I knew what was wrong with me (light-headed upon rising or lying down, extreme muscle weakness, extreme fatigue, blurred thinking etc) I downloaded Dr Wilson's book, then skipped to the chapter dealing with medication and found 'Adrenal Cortex Extract', then ordered a bottle by Thorne Research of these capsules from amazon.

The bottle states '3 capsules a day', I'm sticking to the dose rigidly.

On top of that, I started taking:


Plus LOTS of Vitamin C.

Anyone with this complaint, has to take TONS of vitamin C, the equivalent of 19 oranges a day, as per the advice of Dr Lee in his book 'What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about menopause'.  

On top of that, I'm taking Agnus Castus, Zinc and applying Natural Progesterone Cream twice a day, half a teaspoon each time (which is double the dose recommended but you need to 'find your own dose', as I've read in two books recently).  As well as a whole load of other stuff but I've especially named these medications, in case anyone is coming to this blog for the first time.

The DMAE and the DHEA didn't seem to be doing much, while I was really ill.  But now that I'm getting stronger, I can see they are having an effect.

You should note that: DHEA does not work while you're fatigued!

Now the funny thing was, that even when I was in the chronic stage, I still looked this side of normal.

During adrenal episodes, my appearance can deteriorate dramatically and that can add to the depression associated with this health crisis.  But this time that did not happen and I put this down to my taking the combination of DMAE, DHEA and L-Carnosine.  (They're all anti-ageing and boost your concentration and energy levels.)    

My eyes did not become that awful dark yellow and lifeless colour, in fact they remained bright white and shiny.  As far as my hair and skin go, they look better now than they have in about 7 years.  My hair is full and strangely glossy and my skin really looks amazing.  Zinc has done wonders, but I think DHEA has a lot to do with this improvement too.  In fact, you wouldn't know I was ill from looking at me!  This made my symptoms seem hallucinatory to my family, which was a drag, but who cares, because now its on a doctor's chart just how ill I was, so they no longer look at me funny.  

Conversely, this gradual, but definite improvement in my appearance, has given me the courage to believe in what I'm doing for my longterm health and has also restored my faith in the possibility of being well again.

Last time I had this health crisis, when I was 35, it lasted 3 months and was a living hell.  Mainly because it first presents as anaemia, which I didn't know and consequently didn't treat!

This time Thankfully, I recognised the signs of anaemia, treated it quickly with liquid iron (Floradix), and now, as I'm taking the Adrenal Cortex, I can feel an improvement already in the deeper fatigue issues, even though I'm only half way through the tub of capsules.

It no longer kills me just to stand up, and I actually have some reliable strength.  This weekend I spent the whole weekend cleaning, washing and ironing.  I had a pile of ironing that was 6 weeks deep!  That proves how long I'd been really ill, because usually I like to keep on top of the (damn) ironing.  

I started taking L-Carnosine about a week ago.  I noticed an effect after 24 hours.  I take two capsules a day (one after breakfast and the other after lunch).  Something very positive has happened inside my head since taking this substance, and I think its got something to do with all the accumulated metals that were sloshing around my brain?  

I think I mentioned before that in perimenopause, we become extremely low in ZINC, due to low progesterone and this means that Copper builds up in the brain to the levels that cause depression.  Its my personal view that L-Carnosine is cleansing me of the copper build up and consequently, my head feels a lot 'clearer'.  Either that or its helping my 5-htp to work harder?

DHEA, DMAE and L-Carnosine are all anti-Alzheimers.  Its my personal view that Alzheimer's/dementia is predominantly a nutritional disease, by that I mean, something is being missed from our diets as we age, that we badly need increasing amounts of, in order that the ageing brain stays healthy.  

Ideally I would like to post lots of relevant links but I'm going to bed now, as the hours from 10pm till 1.00am are when our bodies detox, especially our brains!

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