Tuesday 9 September 2014

Acetaldehyde toxic build up as the real cause of migraines

Hi everyone,

So sorry it has taken me forever to post.  As I haven't had a migraine in over 6 months, I have gone hammer and tongs at getting my life back on track.

In case you don't have time to read back over lots of posts on this blog, may I just remind everyone that I cured my migraines by cleansing Candida Albicans from my gastro intestinal tract.  I realised the connection quite by accident!

High stress had been the cause of my infestation with that enteric pathogen and its awful waste product called Acetaldehyde had been the culprit behind my horrendous migraines.

My advice to everyone is DONT SUFFER IN SILENCE!  Cleanse your body of Candida and get your life back!

I really mean that.  Its not difficult to do and once you have most of it out, you will not get another attack as bad.  So in other words, if you feel the same symptoms coming on, then quickly do a mini-cleanse.

My cleansing involved:

Sodium Bicarbonate (kills it dead!)
Methylene Blue (also kills it dead but interestingly it crosses the blood-brain barrier and the blood-bone barrier, so if you fear yours has become systemic, then go for this option too)
Sea salt water
Soluble Fiber.

That list isn't too long, is it!

Also don't be frightened that you will have masses of diarrhoea either, because that doesn't happen. 

Your congested bowel will empty out, but that's a good thing and as long as you're not planning any long distance running, I would remain relaxed about that aspect too.  

Acetaldehyde is a truly awful brain toxin and it causes incredibly debilitating symptoms, like vomiting, migraine etc etc.  Its a brain toxin for crying out loud, so what more can I add to that?

Its a great shame so many people are suffering needlessly.   The cure is simple, costs very little and is long lasting.  

I have undertaken so much work since I got my life back, house renovations, garden renovations, holidays, social engagements, researching other medical issues for other people etc etc.  

Its very sad indeed that Big Pharma's solution for migraine is to numb your head with incredibly powerful pain killers and inject your face with the soil toxin, Botox.  

There are people who are even going on to have strokes as a result of really bad migraines, all unabated because of the ignorance surrounding Candida.

Candida in England is thought of as primarily a sexually transmitted disease.  Hardly anyone has heard of it in the context of your small intestines, and so it follows that people are just getting sicker and sicker due to all this ignorance.

Candida is one of the main detritivors that will rot your body after you're dead.  While you're alive, its trying every day of your life to get in all the holes of your body, including the skin. 

It tries to get in your skin via Psoriasis and fungal toe nails etc.  

Because Psoriasis is also Candida, I have been treating my husband's Psoriasis plaques with Candida-killing-potions e.g. Sodium Bicarbonate, lemon juice and coconut oil and here are some before and after photos of my progress...  

Above you can see the fungus is actively feeding away and creating those disgusting crusts.

Here you can see the cure is starting to work and the inflamed area is spreading outwards and becoming less red in the centre as a consequence.  The stubborn island of thick crusty tissue is breaking up!  I should also point out that while I took this photo, he was undergoing a Niacin flush, hence the surrounding areas of red skin.  

Here you can see that the blood supply to the fungus has been virtually terminated and the skin appears flatter and more normal in colour.  His entire skin is also much healthier generally.  I put this down to alkalising his body and increasing his intake of Biotin.  

Here you can see the skin is now all one colour, just about,  and the new layers of skin are building up across the whole area, almost like a skin graft.  The affected area has also shrunk significantly and no longer has a brown ring surrounding it.  My last peek at this patch of skin revealed no further need for lubricants of any kind and pale uniform skin again.  The only thing still missing, are the tiny hairs that were originally hijacked by the fungus.  

In the photo above you can see this patch on his leg is bald, and you can clearly see the blood supply to each strain of fungus is very apparent.  My theory is that Candida gets into your skin via the hair follicle and then borrows deeper, to hijack the nutrients supplying that hair follicle, especially keratin, which it transforms for its own purposes, by creating these protective crusts that cover up what is really going on.  And what's going on is, that Candida is burrowing deep in your skin and sucking your blood!

Acidosis, or acidic blood plasma is what it will feast on and enable it to really take hold.  

Will keep you posted.

Thank you God for helping me to find the cause of my migraines, and then taking all that pain away!

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