Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Natural Progesterone Cream applied directly to my forehead is giving me pain relief from residual migraine ache & sensitivity!

This is a very quick post that I hope to expand on, as events unfold.

Remember when I said that always after a migraine, my scalp is incredibly sensitive for days afterwards and if I apply any pressure to that region, it kills me?  Well this time that is NOT happening, since using Natural Progesterone Cream, 4 times a day, and also applying some directly to that side of my forehead.

Obviously this is not what manufacturers direct us to do, according to the printed label on the tub, and it probably sounds more than a bit zany?  

I don't care if it does or not, what I care about is that IT WORKS where other things have failed for me!

The reason I tried this is because I married-up two pieces of information I'd gleaned recently:

1.  Bio-identical (Natural) progesterone is administered in cases of severe head trauma, in order to protect the brain.  (From that I deduced that the brain 'expects' and is 'receptive' to the healing/anti-inflammatory properties of this hormone and if I am to apply the cream to my chest area, that's not that far from my head, so why not just target the head??

2.  My Oestrogen Dominance condition is actually hurting my brain, hence twice a month my head explodes with migraine pain.  It feels like my head is screaming out for an antidote to these dangerously high levels of Oestrogen that keep whirring round my system, especially my brain.  (Its the same part of my head that hurts if I eat too much chocolate, drink too much alcohol, or drink too much coffee.)  The cream manages to calm this region right down.  Paracetamol does not!

Furthermore, I've observed that it takes only about 5 minutes for the effects of the cream to reach the site of migraine injury.  A single application (1/4 teaspoon), rubbed in till it is completely absorbed, lasts about 2-3 hours.  As the day progresses, the interval between applications can be extended, as its obviously building-up in my bloodstream.  

I read recently that substances administered transdermally, enter us 10 times faster than those ingested and this is because they by-pass the liver. 

The first couple of days that I used this cream I didn't really notice anything.  It was only when I doubled the dose that I began to notice changes.  Getting the dose right is something that can only really be done on an individual basis, according to Dr Norman Shealy, in his book mentioned last time.

(From what I can tell, I must have been very Oestrogen Dominant, because this stuff is only now starting to work.)

I highly recommend the book and will discuss it further next time.

Here's a link to a really great article by a lady who is also extremely Oestrogen dominant, who discusses how she successfully uses Natural Progesterone cream to help her with PMS syndrome.  She mentions migraine sufferers in there too!

Natural Progesterone is a pain-killer, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-ageing and helps us to make DHEA which helps us to feel a lot better - and a lot younger!  

Dr Shealy advises all women over the age of 35 to apply Natural Progesterone cream, and all men over the age of 50.  (He does not recommend you to use this cream if you have cancer, however.)

BE WARNED:  Do not apply this cream if you are taking the contraceptive Pill, as it will interfere with your contraception!

Here's another great link about the role of progesterone in a neurological context:

Further Anti-Ageing Substances I'm Going to Try

I've now also ordered: 
  • DHEA
  • DMEA 
  • L-Carnosine

from Amazon.  (I've spent so much money with Amazon recently, they actually sent me a (whole) £10 gift voucher - lol!)

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