Thursday, 13 December 2012

Magnesium and Electrolytes

Day 6 of taking Magnesium 300mg:

Feeling a lot better, again.  Slept well.  Pains in neck, shoulders, leg, hip and finger are non-exstistent.

Veins in leg smoother and less conspicuous.

Been thinking about the quotation I came across: "migraine usually starts as an electrolyte disturbance elsewhere in the body".

So I thought I would pursue that avenue of thought and found this:

Thinking Aloud
I think the part about nerve and muscle function and blood pH is very applicable to the migraine attack, as well as the various mechanisms mentioned.  Stress would obviously cause significant changes in that balance, as would exertion and hydration...

This led me to jump up when I read in the The Magnesium Solution for Migraine Headaches this passage by Dr R Whang, a Magnesium researcher:

to be continued....


My Routine
I started taking progesterone today, because of this, I forgot to mention, yesterday I started taking Rhodiola Rosea, to address serotonin issues and the expected drop in oestrogen.  Unlike Magnesium, I can't say at this early stage that I feel any different since taking 'Arctic Root'.  In fact, if the truth be known, mood-wise, I probably felt a little worse? 

My stress levels are kind of sky high at the moment, but surprisingly I'm not suffering all the terrible inflammatory responses that have been the pattern of my life for several years now.  

I think because my health has improved such a lot, in such a short space of time, I'm not too bothered about all this stress flying around.  I suppose I just kind of 'get on with it', kind of thing.  

But I also note how funny its is that being pain free - at last - hasn't made me elated as such, but its given me a much-needed space to reflect more deeply on certain issues?  Regarding one particular topic, I noticed I had a contemplative brainwave, that helped me a lot when it came to working out some longer term plans and discussing stuff that would make a big difference to my life in the future.  I feel relieved that I managed to do this, at last, because pain has had such a nasty habit of using up precious mental energy.      

1 comment:

  1. I see you posted the Heal your headache book. It is my favorite! I read it and learned ALOT!!!!Do down load it. it's fab!
    I bought more magnesium today, I'm going to hit it hard along with Vit D. As I learned today I'm low on it. Thanks


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